Cloud Push-To-Talk

Telavi PTT runs on a cloud server that is capable of connecting to cell sites and Wi-Fi access points. Thus, effective and efficient communication is easier to achieve.

  • Real-time group communication by just one press
  • Quick & secure voice messages delivery up to 200 users in one group!
  • Reduced voice and messaging costs
  • Improved productivity by reducing waiting time
  • Increased control by constant contact with your employees
  • Users status and GPS position location
  • Possible communication integration among different agencies in case of emergency or disaster (fire brigades, Police, Ambulances can be coordinated using common group)
  • User and group management via Internet portal or from handset/PC Dispatcher
  • Same terminal can be used for other activities i.e. bar-code scanning, normal calls, specific applications, other
  • 1000 multicast group